This WSJ piece citing an AP article by Mark Jewell makes a point we'd better think about - the wealthy are helping float the economy. The tone? How about deja vu?
Think about it - when Moodys tells us the top 10% of the households are responsible for 25% of the spending and they start closing down the money faucet, it's bound to cause some pain.
And here's what I think is crucial to all of us, no matter what our income: the top 25% of Americans by income may account for as much as 70% of total personal spending in the U.S.
Yes, I bolded it above and you'll see it again in total below. Read it and think about it: the top 25% of Americans by income may account for as much as 70% of total personal spending in the U.S.
We may not care to see it, but the statistics tell us this isn't a pretty picture. Here's the article:
"So the rich are hurting — cry me a river.
That’s the tone of many recent articles about the luxury bust and the declining fortunes of the fortunate. The derision is understandable: Who can be sympathetic to Richistanis cutting back on their private-jet flights or selling off their oversized mega-mansions while most Americans can barely fill their gas tanks? (One of my favorite recent quotes is from a yacht owner named Durand Blane who complained in a Bloomberg article that one fill-up of the yacht is “like pumping Chanel bags into a boat hull.” Oh, the waste.)

But the fact that the rising tide of economic pain is reaching the yacht set is important. And not just for Schadenfreude.
The wealthy, for better or worse, have become one of the biggest engines of economic growth, investing, and taxes. The flip side of inequality is that cutbacks by the rich now have an outsized impact on the economy.
According to an Associated Press article by Mark Jewell about cutbacks by the wealthy, the 10 percent of households with the highest incomes account for nearly a quarter of all spending, according to data compiled by research firm Moody’s from a 2006 federal survey.
“That does suggest those folks are important for the spending outlook, and the overall economic outlook,” said Scott Hoyt, Moody’s director of consumer economics.
Added Sara Johnson, an economist at the research firm Global Insight: “Consumer spending makes up 70 percent of gross domestic product, and when one group accounts for a very substantial share of consumer spending, they also account for a large share of the economic activity that creates jobs.”
Research published by Citigroup in 2005 speculated that the top 25% of Americans by income may account for as much as 70% of total personal spending in the U.S. Given that personal consumption accounts for 70% of our economy today, that top quartile has become crucial.
Of course, it’s no surprise that the wealthy now account for an outsized share of spending. But the degree to which the U.S. economy has become dependent on Richistan has yet to be truly felt. Perhaps we will find out in the coming months."