I can't imagine being any more furious than I am now about the entire bailout that will be voted on tomorrow by Congress. I'm amazed at how people are coming together over this in the blogosphere and, yes, in streets in New York to protest the bailout.
That said, as I was reading Robert Reich's Blog - one of many economy blogs I follow - I found this written by Andrew L. His point on what really matters and the smaller items that get blown into hyperdramas to distract us was, I thought, quite brilliant.
Maybe this is what it takes for us to come together again - a crisis not of financial matters, but one that makes us see that we've been tilting at windmills for the past 50+ years.
A rather comic moment - as Walt Kelly, the writer of the comic strip Pogo put it, 'We have met the enemy, and he is us.' And the paradox is, of course, none of us is any of us' enemy - if only we would realize it.
Knowing this, we have a choice. Think about it. Lots of tone working together here - irony, lunacy, sorrow, hope - you name it.
Here's the piece by Andrew L.:
Who, in the end, runs this country? I am of the opinion that voting some dumb-ass out of office plays like a slap of the hand to the real interests. Money talks, and I am no conspiracy guy either (maybe a little). Do we live in the dumbest frickin country in the world? Have we been dumbed down by a sold out media? (yeah, those are rhetorical answer, no need to answer). Does the power structure rely on us bickering over the small stuff (gay marriage, immigration, religion) while we are financially raped by the powers that be? Seriously, why do we give a shit who's stooping who when our futures are at stake? Because it serves a political purpose. If you have a crooked agenda, like most of those wankers in DC, you shower them with proxy bullshit diversionary issues like gay rights, affirmative action, immigration, etc. etc. etc., then you pick their pockets, and most importantly, and here's the finale.......... wait for it.....
You keep us divided, and unaware that we all desire the same thing; fairness, justice, a good life, harmony, a safe world for our kids, a clean environment in our backyard, a good job, some leisure, a country to be proud of. You keep us apart by distracting us form these very things. Its brilliant really. And we are just dumb enough to fall for it. Imagine the day we all stop!